Hank Aaron’s Playground and Park - #22
Africatown - #2
Basilica of the Immaculate Conception - #3
Bettie Hunter House - #4
Caldwell/Broad Street Academy - #6
Home of Christopher First Johnson - #7
Dunbar/Central High School - #17
Christian Benevolent Funeral Home - #10
A.N. Johnson - #1
Big Zion AME Zion Church - #5
Campground Neighborhood - #9
Church Of The Good Shepherd - #11
Council Traditional School - #41
Cook's House - #12
Vernon Crawford, Esq. - #39
Creole Fire Station #1 - #13
Emanuel A.M.E Church - #18
Emerson Institute - #19
Chain of Finley’s Drug Stores - #20
Fort Conde - #21
James Reese Europe - #23
Home of Dr. J. A. Franklin - #16
Dr. T.N. Harris - #15
John LeFlore Non Partisan Voter’s Office - #24
Johnson and Allen Mortuary - #25
Michael Donald Avenue - #27
National African American Archives - #30
Dave Patton - #14
Plateau Graveyard - #31
Saint Martin De Porres Hospital - #33
Most Pure Heart of Mary Church - #29
Leroy Robert “Satchel” Paige Home site - #26
Slave Market - #34
St. Louis Missionary Baptist Church - #35
State Street AME Zion Church - #36
Wallace Turnage - #8
Union Baptist Church - #38
Stone Street Baptist Church - #37
Unity Point - #40
Dr. H. Roger William's Drug Store - #32